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Pleated air filters are advanced filters that normally offer a much higher level of filtration than the standard filters provided by the manufacturer. These filters come in a wide variety of sizes to accommodate any HVAC system. You can find anything from 1-inch-wide filters to deep-pleated filters of 6-inch width. According to the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), pleated filters are much more efficient than non-pleated filters at capturing microscopic airborne particles. These filters, which are traditionally manufactured from a unique type of wire synthetic media, can successfully filter out dust mites, dust, pollen, mold, pet dander and even the smallest bacteria.
Pleated filters can be highly efficient and durable. They usually span MERV ratings of 5-15 and have a much-extended lifespan compared to their counterparts. Pleated filters are also exceptionally good as an indoor air quality solution for allergy sufferers.
Filter Sales & Service, Inc. carries a large selection of pleated filters. Contact us at 800-848-9305 or email us.
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